Our Community Service

This page you can post the great work you do in your community  You can add pictures of your club members in action and caption them.You can place the picture to the left, to the right or in the middle. Big, little or small, it is all up to your club's blog members to decide!

If you have a long story to share about the photo, it's better to make a blog post than share it here. Pages stay static, that is, they don't change or scroll like a blog posting does. Your blog post can link to this page if you would like. A few pictures, with short descriptions work best.  Every once in a while, remove old pictures and put up new ones. The photos on a community service page should give the viewer an idea of what it is your club does for the community. It's not meant to tell the whole entire story. Leave that for  your blog post. Just don't forget to label it "community service" as these will accumulate over the life of your blog.